Who We Are

Toa Nafasi is a program (not a separate center or school) and we work within the existing public school system in Tanzania, where the majority of children are enrolled. We work children 6 – 13 years old providing them an inclusive education platform and comprehensive body safety education and support services.

We strive to improve learning outcomes for all students, but our focus is on the most vulnerable learners in the classroom: those with learning difficulties, and those with experiences of trauma. We do not deviate from the national syllabi mandated by the Ministry of Education, but rather ensure that everyone in the class has an equal opportunity to learn, be safe and get support they need.

Toa Nafasi tutors are generally a cohort of young adults from the village who have struggled to find gainful employment, but who have committed to working with the foundation. They are taught a few simple yet effective teaching methodologies for slow learners and at risk of abuse and violence children by our consultants. Employment opportunities like these are an additional benefit of Toa Nafasi in the local community.

The Challenge

Children from low income families aged 6 to 13 in Tanzania are less likely to achieve minimum proficiency in reading, writing and arithmetic. This is attributed to physical, emotional, psychological and health challenges such as abuse and violence which are common place for children from underserved communities. These challenges also cause developmental impairments and certainly affect children learning outcomes.

In schools, classrooms have high pupil-teacher ratio, high pupil-qualified teacher ratio and teachers are unable to attend to needs of children with learning difficulties and heightened risks of violence. At homes, parents and caregivers of these children rarely receive needed support from community and government.

The education system does not prioritize early diagnosis of learning difficulties, creating safe and learner friendly spaces, and additional support for child, parents and caregivers. Primary schools build the foundations and set children up for success in education and in life. The schools and surrounding communities must be equipped to accommodate the individual learning needs of each child so that they are able to fully participate in and benefit from their education.

Investment in an early childhood safe and inclusive schools program builds the academic, social-emotional and economic foundation for the child and the community.

What We Do

The Toa Nafasi model is a three-tiered approach of assessment, referral, and curriculum modification that has enabled significant development in students found to be flagging and at risk of abuse/violence.

In order to provide the best services we can and to keep our activities running smoothly, we also invest highly in training our tutors and enhancing community relations.



Each year, our staff with the permission and cooperation of school administrators, take a census of all the children enrolled in Standard One. We observe each child for social behaviors, adaptive abilities, and motor skills, trauma as well as test them for literacy, numeracy, and cognitive skills to get a full picture.



Since there are many reasons why a student might under-perform in the classroom, Toa Nafasi  has a referral system of health professionals to treat those pupils who are struggling due to trauma, medical or psychosocial issues.



Finally, Toa Nafasi then provide tutoring and psychosocial support in child friendly spaces, and through play to help vulnerable students reach their potential. Because the Tanzanian educational system requires that school children sit for periodic national examinations, the national curriculum must be adhered to but the syllabus and/or teaching methodology can be readily adjusted for students with special needs and heightened risk of violence with more time spent on each lesson, one-on-one time with the tutor, and hands-on work.



In order to make sure we are reaching the students who need our support, Toa Nafasi corps of tutors is trained by our international education consultants from the International Association of Special Education and Protective Behaviors facilitators.



Since we know that many factors in the current Tanzanian education system create an unfriendly learning environment for typically developed children, we can guess that for “slow learners” and children in distress, it is hopeless.  In order to rectify this situation, Toa Nafasi uses its public-private partnership with the Tanzanian government and local communities to provide support for these vulnerable students, their parents and families, and the teachers and administrators within the public school system.  And, by utilizing a previously unemployed local workforce made up primarily of village young adults, we are also providing jobs and perpetuating a sense of empowerment and professionalism where none existed before.